by Suman Gupta

After suffering a crushing defeat in the hands of the Gujarat FortuneGiants, Captain Anup Kumar speaks about the loss and the road ahead. Transcript below:
1. On yesterday’s performance
We made lots of mistakes at crucial stages of the game that hurt us badly and eventually ended up contributing to an eighteen point loss. Our plans failed and it was a bad day for us. But then again, everybody has those days!
2. On the delayed dive-in tackles:
We can’t solely say that the delayed tackles were the reason we lost. Yes it did have a part to play, but our raiding side was not on par either. Everyone has a skill set that they utilize and want to win with, but sometimes even with practice, those skills are not up to the mark.
3. On extreme wins and losses:
We played really well against DD and beat them by 14 points. We played as badly against GFG and hence lost. The losses have hurt the team. But we will re-group, train harder and come back stronger.
4. On back-to-back games in Lucknow:
Our team is a well balanced unit. Our aim now is to learn from our mistakes and then take it forward from there. We want to bounce back as a team and we will!