On The Occasion Of World Health Day

Don’t Stop Masking to protect yourself from infectious diseases: Doctors

by Suman Gupta

Delhi:  No fine will be imposed on people for not wearing face masks in Delhi, according to an order issued by the health department of the city government. However, the opinion of experts is not the same. Masking is one of the vital tools against Coronavirus and needs to be done after stepping out of the house. Masking will not only protect the one wearing it but even others too. Experts suggest wearing masks in crowded places without fail.

The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) decided not to impose any fine for not wearing face masks in public places as the Covid curve is slowly flattening in the country. Earlier, a fine of Rs 500 was imposed for not wearing masks in public places in Delhi.  A mask can do more good than harm you. “The usage of masks increased during the pandemic as it is one of the vital measures to slow down the spread of Covid-19. Various studies have confirmed that Coronavirus is spread via respiratory fluids produced when an infected person talks, sneezes, or coughs. Hence, a mask is a barrier to these droplets. Making is the most effective way of keeping the virus-containing droplets from escaping from an infected person to another person. It will help curb the virus’s spread further when one is unaware that she/she has Covid which means asymptomatic” Said Dr Tribhuvan Gulati, Principal Senior Consultant Internal Medicine, Apollo Spectra Delhi.

Dr Gulati Added, ‘‘Masks play a pivotal role when it comes to ‘Covid-19. Masking or double masking will not expose you to Coronavirus and you will have fewer chances of developing severe symptoms when infected. It will cut down the risk of mass infection in the community. If you tend to cover the nose and mouth from either side, that is, the receiver or the transmitter of the virus, you will block the virus’s transmission and this will be beneficial for people around you. Not only adults but even children should be encouraged to wear masks as they are considered super spreaders. Wearing a mask is an inexpensive measure to safeguard those around you from getting infected with the virus. It is OAKY to remove the mask when you are with your close family members or friends who are fully vaccinated. But, do not give up on masks at all. If you happen to visit a restaurant, theatre, shopping wall or even other crowded places then put on the mask. Now, that schools have reopened, kids should also continue to wear masks in the classroom.”

Dr. Gulati Added,  “Choose a mask suitable for you with the help of an expert. Follow the right way of wearing a mask. Wash your hands before masking, after taking it off, and after touching your mask. Secure your mask around your ears or behind your head. See to it that your breathing is not restricted. The mask should cover the mouth, nose, and chin. Try to adjust or remove your mask using the ear loops rather than the front of the mask. Wash your hands after touching your mask and appropriately dispose of it in the dustbin.”

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