‘Kisan Brigade’ will bring justice to farmers 

by Suman  Gupta

Farmers Welfare Organization ‘Kisan Brigade’ will fight for the problems, Rights denied and against the HTBT seeds that cause agriculture soil damage & health hazard for the Country

Farmers Welfare Organization called “KISAN BRIGADE” Founded by Shri. Prakash Pohare, National Founder President & being Headed by Shri. Purushottam Gawande, as Maharashtra State-President, for Farmers Welfare. The organization is formed to give justice and highlight the farmer related issues and to remove the unjustified laws and government decisions which affect adversely on farmers livelihood. Team ‘Kisan Brigade’ took a rally to meet and submit a request to the Collector, Akola, Maharashtra, Shri Jeetendra Papalkar for farmers welfare.

HTBT plants allow farmers to spray herbicides to get rid of parasitic weeds in the farm without harming the main crop. Using this variety may save the farmers from having to put in extra labour in pulling out weeds but deprive farm labour, and also deprive the cotton plants of vital nutrients and reduces yield and damages nature. The State government has appealed to farmers not to sow HTBT seeds. Farmers planted the illegal HTBT cotton in Maharashtra last month, saying they wanted ‘independence’. However considering this, Kisan brigade has taken a firm stand against the HTBT seed (produced by foreign corporations) and hazardous chemicals and fertilizers which are injurious to human health as well as the health of the soil. ‘Kisan brigade’ stand against HTBT “Monsento Go Back” to bring justice to the farmers and safeguard health from issue to come to the nation in the near future.

Talking about the initiative Shri Prakash Pohare said, “I am happy and privileged to note the attendance even after heavy rains in Maharashtra. I am sure the ‘Kisan Brigade’ platform will give justice to our farmers”

Mr. Purushottam Gawande, former joint Commissioner has devoted himself to the service of the farmers. Mr. Gawande also wrote the book  “Vachvu Shetkari – Vachvu Desh” which narrates the problems of farmers. Mr. Bharat Takle, the husband of Mrs.Kamal committed suicide due to heavy losses incurred by him in farming, hence  Mr.Gawande decided, published and launched his book at the hands of the widow of Mr, Bharat Tackle, whose suicide is the result of the subject of this book.

The event was the Second General Meeting with the aim to popularise through this convened gathering.” Shri. Prakash Pohare founder president “Kisan Brigade”, a known farmer leader since Decades, and Chairman of Jaiwik Sheti Mission, Chief Editor Daily Deshonnati presided the event.

Mr. Purushottam Gawande, state president Kisan brigade has organised the event. Mr Avinash Kakade – Nagpur , Namdeo Adhau, Vaishali Thorat Madam, known activist in the area of Panchagawya and Gorakshan, Pushpa Gupta, Media coordinator, Shyam Gattani, Rajendra Kokate, Bapusaheb Nipane, Salim Siddiqi, Jiwan Patil, Madhukar Sarap, Wanita Gayakwad, Jagdish Murumkar, Yunuskhan, Prakash Butale were others who were present to support the initiative.

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