EducationWorld India School Rankings 2019-20

by Suman Gupta

EducationWorld in association with C fore, Delhi has concluded its 13th annual EducationWorld India School Rankings survey. A sample respondents database of 12,213 educationists, principals, teachers, parents and senior school students in 28 cities and education hubs across India were interviewed to rate the country’s Top 1,000 schools on 14 parameters of education excellence. The country’s top-ranked schools in 14 categories will be felicitated at the Leela Ambience Hotel, Gurgaon on September 28-29, 2019.

Bengaluru, September 9, 2019 – The 13th annual EducationWorld India School Rankings (EWISR) 2019-20 survey was released in Bangalore. The survey rates and ranks the country’sTop 1,000 schools in 10 categories including Day: Co-ed, Boys and Girls, Day-cum-boarding, Boarding: Co-ed, Girls and Boys, International: Day, Day-cum-boarding and fully Residential. Moreover, Private Budget, Special Needs and Government schools are also ranked separately. This is the most comprehensive, in-depth and extensive league tables of any schools evaluation survey worldwide.

Heritage Xperiential Learning School, Gurgaon(Day Co-ed), Modern School, Barakhamba Road, Delhi (Day-cum-Boarding), The JB Petit High School for Girls, Mumbai (all Girls) and Campion School, Fort, Mumbai (all Boys) are ranked India’s #1 Day Schools in EWISR 2019-20. 

Among legacy Boarding Schools category, Rishi Valley, Chittoor (Co-ed), Mayo College Girls School, Ajmer (Girls), The Scindia School, Gwalior and The Doon School, Dehradun(Boys) are jointly ranked #1 nationally.

In the International Schools category, Dhirubhai Ambani International, Mumbai (day), Indus International, Bangalore (day-cum-boarding) and Woodstock School, Mussoorie(wholly residential) have been ranked #1.

To conduct the 2019-20 EWISR survey, the well-reputed Delhi-based market research and opinion polls company Centre for Forecasting and Research Pvt. Ltd (C fore, estb.2000) constituted a sample respondents database of 12,213 individuals including school principals, teachers, educationists, fees-paying parents and senior school students in 28 major cities and education hubs across India. To rate and rank the best government and private budget schools, parents in SEC ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ categories were interviewed.

The sample respondents were persuaded to rate India’s most well-known 1,000 schools (pre-selected by EducationWorld) on the 14 parameters of education excellence* including infrastructure provision, competence of faculty, academic reputation and safety and hygiene.

“With India’s Top 1,000 primary-secondary schools ranked nationally, in their states, cities and according to all 14 parameters of K-12 education excellence, over the past 13 years, the annual EWISR has evolved into the world’s most detailed schools rankings survey. Moreover, this year we’ve gone international by ranking the Top 10 schools in our neighbour nations – UAE, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and the Maldives,” says Dilip ThakoreFounder-Editor of EducationWorld.

In addition to the private schools, India’s Top Government day and residential schools, Special Needs and Budget Private Schools are also rated and ranked. Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya (RPVV), Dwarka, New Delhi, is ranked India’s #1 Government Day School and Simultala Awasiya Vidyalaya (SAV), Jamui, Bihar the #1 Government Boarding School. The Academy for Severe Handicaps and Autism, Bangalore is the top-ranked Special Needs School and Muni International School, Delhi is India’s #1 Budget Private School.

For this year’s perceptual survey, 122 C fore field researchers interviewed 4,340 educationists/principals/teachers and 7,597 SEC (socio-economic category) A fees-paying parents, and class X-XII school students in 28 cities. Apart from the metros, we also interviewed sample respondents in Hyderabad, Pune, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Lucknow, Kochi, Jammu, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Gurgaon and Noida among major cities of India. I am confident this is the most comprehensive schools’ rating and ranking survey in Indian history and truly reflects informed knowledgeable public opinion,” says Premchand Palety, Chief Executive of C fore, explaining the ratings and ranking methodology of EWISR 2019-20.

The 14 parameters of education excellence on which the schools were ranked are 

  • Academic Reputation

  • Competence  of Faculty (double weightage)

  • Individual Attention to Students

  • Leadership/ Management Quality

  • Life Skills Education & Conflict Management

  • Co-curricular Education

  • Safety and Hygiene

  • Community Service

  • Internationalism

  • Parental Involvement / ( Pastoral Care- in boarding schools )

  • Teacher Welfare and Development

  • Value for Money

  • Sports Education

  • Infrastructure Provision

About EducationWorld –EducationWorld (estb.1999) is Asia’s sole education newsmagazine published to “build the pressure of public opinion to make education the #1 item on the national agenda”. Currently, EducationWorld has 1 million readers comprising teachers, parents and senior school and college students in 28 states countrywide.

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