Makeup & Skincare

 Cryo Laser and Cryo Sclerotherapy (CLaCS) recently started in India, is a revolutionary technique for the treatment of varicose veins and spider veins of the legs

by Suman Gupta

  CLaCS is a combination of different technologies like augmented reality, transdermal laser, sclerotherapy and skin cooling for local anaesthesia

Varicose veins are traditionally treated by Trendelenburg operation which involves ‘stripping’ of the vein with or without perforator ligation depending on the pathology.

The traditional method of surgical treatment is now being fast replaced by Laser treatment of varicose veins.

Laser treatment is more effective, painless, scar-less and helps patients to resume work in 48 – 72 hours.

August 2019: Surekha Varicose Veins Mumbai introduces CLaCS (Cryo Laser and Cryo Sclerotherapy) for the 1st time in India. CLaCS is a revolutionary Brazilian treatment for spider veins and small varicose veins of the leg. Spider Veins and Varicose Veins is a common problem affecting the general population throughout the world.

In India, it is estimated that around 25-30% of females and 10-15% of males suffer from this disease. However, the majority of the patients who suffer from Varicose Veins are unaware of the disease pathology and the complications it can lead to. Moreover, many family physicians and consultants to fail to impress the need for early intervention in these patients. Valuable time (months/years) is lost in alternative therapy of various oils, oral medications, and ill-designed stockings. Resultantly, many patients present late with complications such as pigmentation, ulceration or superficial vein thrombosis. A problem which could have been nipped in the bud reaches irreversible stages.

Weak valves in the leg veins are the main reason for the formation of varicose veins. The hereditary tendency is seen in nearly 80% cases. People involved in prolonged standing such as teachers, shop keepers, traffic policemen are more like to suffer from them. In many females, varicose veins start after pregnancy and progress over a while if not diagnosed and treated on time.

Dr Ashish Dhadas, Varicose Veins expert, Surekha Varicose Veins Mumbai said, “Over the past six years since its inception, Surekha Varicose Veins Clinic has examined and counselled more than 3,000 patients of spider and varicose veins. Out of these more than 500 have been successfully treated.”

“Surekha Varicose Veins Clinic now offers the Cryo Laser and Cryo Sclerotherapy (CLaCS) procedure. It is a revolutionary Brazilian technique for the treatment of small varicose veins and spider veins of the legs. CLaCS is a combination of different technologies like augmented reality, transdermal laser, sclerotherapy and skin cooling for local anaesthesia,” Dr. Ashish Dhadas added.

Almost 95% of patients with spider veins are females. These veins are cosmetically disfiguring. However, due to lack of awareness and not many treatment options, many females tend to ignore them. In some cases, these spider veins too can cause symptoms such as pain, heaviness, burning or itching. They can progress to larger varicose veins too.

CLaCS is a painless procedure done under local anaesthesia. The high flow of ice-cold air directed onto the skin at the site of laser or needle application removes the discomfort and most patients have little pain from the treatment.

In CLaCS, there are no specific precautions after treatment. There is no need to wear stockings in the majority of cases. The patient returns to work and usual activities with 4 -6 hrs. Exercise is permitted as well after 24 hrs.

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