by Suman Gupta
The Govt. of India has set a target of 175 G.W. (900 GW) renewable energy by 2022 which includes 100 G.W. (750 GW) solar energy, 60 GW (102 GW) wind energy, 10 GW (28 GW) Biomass power and 5 GW (20 GW) from small hydro project.
Cogeneration is an important source of Renewable and Green energy power using the concept of combined Heat and Power utility.
The Non-Fossil Bagasse based Cogeneration Power Plants in the Sugar Sector uses Bagasse (considered as an Agricultural Biomass waste residue) to generate steam for the sugar manufacturing process and electricity for the energy needs. This power is inherently a strong ‘Decentralized Energy’ (DE) saving huge transmission and distribution losses.
In India there are a total of 732 installed sugar mills. Out of these about 523 mills become operational in which 360 mills have cogeneration plants generating 7562 MWs electricity. The total estimated potential stands at 14000 MWs from 550 mills. Almost 5.76 million units are generated per MW per year within 240 days consisting of 180 days of sugarcane ‘Crushing Season’ and 60 days of ‘Off-Season’ period in a year. Out of 4000 lakhs MTs of sugarcane produced in India approximately 3600 lakhs MTs is crushed by the sugar manufacturing mills. This generates about 1080 lakhs MTs (30%) of bagasse and approximately 850 lakhs MTs is converted into useful Steam (Heat) and Power.
In the sugarcane crushing season period typically 40% of the electricity produced is ‘Captively Used’ and 60% is ‘Exported’ to the central grid (1:1.5). However, during off season period this changes to 15% and 85% of captive and export usage (1:5.66).
The total Economic contribution to the nation particularly in the rural sector amounts to almost Rs. 20000 Cr. ensuring guaranteed Green Power, rural employment, work for MSMEs’ and utilization of service sector. With the focus on E.V.s’. transport cogeneration will continue to play an important role for years to come. It shall also witness a significant role in the Hydrogen Energy initiatives focused by the Government.

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